3 min readJan 6, 2021

Cryptosystem has become a source of financing for the majority of the world’s population, its users and utility keeps on increasing each day, and we can visualize it to be the future for financing. The introduction of decentralization into the world of cryptocurrency made income easier, faster, and censor-free, users can now experience the full benefit of crypto at great comfort.
As the cryptosystem made significant progress, Ethereum Chain became more utilized, decentralization found its way into the cryptosystem and this made crypto experience more reliable and useable. On the courses of decentralization was the advent of Yield farming also known as Liquidity mining, most finance genius call it, Internet banking. Users can put their crypto assets to work and generate the most returns possible on those assets.
At the simplest level, a yield farmer might move assets around within the Defi system, constantly chasing whichever pool is offering the best APY from week to week.
Yield farming gained popularity overtime in the crypto space and most users started harnessing their skills in specialising in the act of yield farming. APY generated from most pools are not worth the user’s time and money, Boltyield seeks to remedy this.

About Boltyield

Bolt yield is a decentralized finance farming protocol that is built on
the Ethereum blockchain, the protocol has a governance token
called BYD which is serving as the utility token powering the Boldyeild ecosystem. As a decentralized finance protocol, BYD Builds it’s
usecase around yield farming, with its unique algorithm ensuring
that participants in the various farming pools that will be made
available are getting high return on their currency they vested with.
With BYD, yeild farming activities are based on the governance
tokens (BYD), for an individual to participate in any of the farming
pools, participants needs to hold BYD tokens as well as receive
farming rewards in the same native token.

Why Boltyield?

  • Accessibility
    The Bolt yield protocol is built in a way that it will allow multiple
    pools and staking options to be offered over a longer period of time.
    With a very easy to use interface with a step by step guide.
  • Value
    BYD looks forward to becoming one of the best DeFi with the
    amount of tokens allocated for farming and staking pools with will
    attract more investors and cause people to hold.
  • Governance model
    A supportive and flourishing community is essential for the BYD platform,
    hence a means of governance will be made possible for BYD holders which
    will stands as a decision route in each milestone of the Boltyield project.
    Holders of BYD gets to vote for every decision and changes made in the
    BYD platform.

Core services

  • Staking
  • Yield Farming
  • Borrowing
  • Lending
  • Smart wallet


Staking & liquidity Rewards: 150,000 BYD
ITO: 200,000 BYD
Uniswap: 50,000 BYD
Team: 10,000 BYD
Marketing & Airdrop: 90,000 BYD

ITO Price: 1 ETH = 250 BYD

Listing price: 1 ETH = 150 BYD

Funds Allocation

Name: Bolt Yield
Symbol: BYD
Decimal: 18
Total Supply: 500,000


